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Restore CFTR Protein Completed with Results
SNO4: Study of N91115 in people with cystic fibrosis ages 18 and older with two copies of F508del-CFTR mutation (Nivalis N91115-2CF-03)
This study looked at the safety and tolerability of the drug, N91115, in people with CF that had two copies of the F508del mutation. Researchers also looked at the effect of N91115 on CFTR biomarkers, such as sweat chloride value. Biomarkers help researchers understand how active or inactive a disease is. Participants were assigned to receive either placebo or one of three doses of N91115 (50, 100, or 200mg), twice daily for 28 days. After 28 days, participants were monitored for an additional 2-week off-drug follow-up period.
See other primary eligibility criteria for more information.
18 Years and Older -
Two Copies F508del -
FEV1% Predicted:
40% or greater
For more information about the results of this study and where it was conducted, visit
Other Primary Eligibility Criteria
Eligible subjects must be homozygous for the delta F508 mutation.
Study Results
What We Learned:
This study found that the drug, N91115, was safe and well tolerated, Overall, treatment with N91115 did not have any significant impact on lung function or sweat chloride value when compared with placebo. However, participants taking the highest dose tested (200 mg) had a small reduction from baseline in sweat chloride value (-4.1 mmol/L), which led researchers to conduct further studies on N91115.
Primary Findings:
This manuscript combined data from three clinical trials evaluating N91115: SN02, SN04, and SN05. Both SNO2 and SNO5 were studies of healthy volunteers; SNO4 enrolled people with cystic fibrosis. These results focus on the outcomes of the SNO4 trial. This study was conducted between January 2015 and August 2015. A total of 51 participants were randomized to receive N91115 at three different doses (50mg: n=12, 100mg: n=13, and 200mg: n=14) or placebo (n=12). The primary endpoint of this study was safety and tolerability. N91115 was well tolerated with the adverse event profile being similar between the N91115 groups and placebo. Researchers in this relatively small study also looked at lung function (measured by FEV1) and change in sweat chloride after 28 days of dosing. There was no significant difference in any of the three N91115 dose groups in change from baseline in lung function or sweat chloride value when compared with placebo. Participants taking the highest dose tested (200 mg) had a small reduction from baseline in sweat chloride value (-4.1 mmol/L).
For current information about the overall development status of this drug, please check the Drug Development Pipeline.
Study Design
Study Type: ?more info
Interventional -
Randomized Study: ?more info
Yes -
Placebo Controlled: ?more info
Yes -
Length of Participation:
6 weeks -
Number of Study Visits:
Additional Information
Phase: ?more info
Phase One -
Study Sponsor: ?more info
Nivalis -
Study Drugs:
See other primary eligibility criteria for more information.
18 Years and Older -
Two Copies F508del -
FEV1% Predicted:
40% or greater
For more information about the results of this study and where it was conducted, visit
Other Primary Eligibility Criteria
Eligible subjects must be homozygous for the delta F508 mutation.
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