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Genetic TherapyEnrolling
Study to evaluate SP-101 in adults with cystic fibrosis who are ineligible for or cannot tolerate CFTR modulator therapy., protocol number Spirovant CFAAV-001 USThe following information will be used to determine eligibility for this study. Fill out the form and click “Preview Message.” This will draft an email you can send directly to the Research Coordinator. Please note, this does not guarantee entry into this particular study.
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Genetic TherapyEnrolling
Study to evaluate SP-101 in adults with cystic fibrosis who are ineligible for or cannot tolerate CFTR modulator therapy., protocol number Spirovant CFAAV-001 US
This study will evaluate the safety and tolerability of SP-101, an inhaled gene therapy, in adults with cystic fibrosis ages 18 to 65 who are ineligible for or cannot tolerate CFTR modulator therapy.
18 Years to 65 Years
No Mutation Requirement
FEV1% Predicted:
50 to 100%
Number of Visits:
Length of Participation:
1 years
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