Page Title
Drug Development Pipeline
Inhaled Colistin (ColiFin®)
DiscontinuedTherapeutic Approach
Inhaled colistin is an antibiotic that was studied to potentially treat chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in people with cystic fibrosis. Although it is approved in Europe, inhaled colistin is not approved for use in the U.S. Currently, the only approved inhaled antibiotics in the U.S. are tobramycin and aztreonam. However, many people with CF find that over time these therapies become less effective at treating their infections. Additionally, because there are few oral antibiotics that treat Pseudomonas, people with CF often must go on IV antibiotics when they have pulmonary exacerbations, a sudden worsening of respiratory symptoms caused by lung infections. IV antibiotics are problematic because they can cause hearing loss and kidney problems. Inhaled colistin was studied as an additional option to help people with CF who are not responding to current treatments.
Inhaled colistin is approved in Europe. No further development in CF in the U.S. is planned at this time.
This program was sponsored by Spexis and was partially funded by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

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